
Microsoft Dynamics Business Central

Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Operations

Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Financials Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Operations
The Microsoft Dynamics ERP line includes a variety of solutions aimed at different industries and for different purposes. Read more here...
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Cloud Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Operations Strategix
We speak to Strategix's Executive Director, Willem Botha and ask him about Microsoft Dynamics AX and the benefits it will have for your business. Read more here...
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Cloud Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Operations
The new release of Microsoft Dynamics AX, architected for the cloud, brings the power and intelligence of the next generation of cloud computing in an enterprise-class business application to people and organizations worldwide.
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Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Operations
Today, businesses are working hard to achieve a strong connection with employees, partners, suppliers and most importantly, with customers. If you have implemented SAP as your core ERP solution, Microsoft Dynamics AX
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Microsoft Dynamics Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Operations
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