
Inventory Costing

The manufacturing industry faces the challenge of efficiently and accurately managing inventory. Inventory management is crucial as it directly impacts profitability and reputation in the market. Without streamlined and effective inventory management, businesses may encounter issues such as unclear stock records and tracking, leading to financial losses and wasted time.

The most successful businesses use automation to run crucial processes. And there are few processes more important than efficient and accurate inventory management. Because inventory is a business’s gold bullion – the products you exchange for the profits that keep your bottom-line healthy, and your reputation in the market pristine.
It’s a given then, that the inventory side of your business must be optimised to be as streamlined and effective as possible. Because failing that, vital stock records and tracking become muddied – which can result in money and time lost.

But how do you go about optimising your inventory costing? With a pioneering inventory costing system. Strategix gives you just such a system, powered by the illustrious Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Solutions package.

In this article, we’ll detail how Strategix’s inventory costing can future-proof your business.

What is Inventory Costing?

Inventory costing is the process of calculating the cost of inventory for a given period. This typically involves assessing the unit cost of each item in stock, as well as recording any changes in valuation due to fluctuations in market prices or other factors.

Overall, inventory costing is an important part of running a successful business. By effectively tracking your inventory costs and making informed decisions about your purchasing and selling strategies, you can maximise your profits and stay ahead of the competition.

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How Do Inventory Costing Solutions Work?

Inventory costing solutions are designed to help businesses effectively manage their inventory and costs associated with it. These solutions typically include a range of tools and features that can be customised depending on the needs of the business.

At its core, an effective inventory costing solution will include robust tracking and monitoring capabilities. This allows businesses to accurately track all aspects of their inventory, including quantities, costs, and specific attributes such as location and condition. In addition, these tools can help businesses to identify trends and patterns related to their inventory levels and costs, allowing them to make more informed decisions when managing their stock.

Another key element of an effective inventory costing solution is the ability to integrate with other systems used by businesses, such as accounting and ERP platforms. This allows businesses to easily transfer information between their various systems, streamlining processes and improving overall efficiency.

Microsoft Dynamics 365, in collaboration with Strategix, offers an inventory costing system to optimize inventory management and future-proof businesses. By leveraging the capabilities of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Solutions, Strategix provides a pioneering inventory costing system.

The inventory costing system in Microsoft Dynamics 365 enables businesses to streamline and enhance their inventory management processes. It offers features such as real-time inventory tracking, cost calculation, valuation methods, and reporting capabilities. These functionalities help businesses maintain accurate stock records, track inventory movement, and determine the cost associated with each item.

The Different Types of Inventory Costing Methods

At its core, inventory costing is a method for determining the value of your company’s inventory. There are several different types of inventory costing methods, each designed to meet the needs of businesses in different industries and situations.


The first type of inventory costing method is known as FIFO, or first-in, first-out. This method is commonly used in industries where products are perishable or subject to changes in value over time. The FIFO method assumes that the first items you buy for your inventory will also be the first items sold. This ensures that you always have an accurate accounting of the value of your company’s products, and helps you maintain a steady cash flow.


Another common type of inventory costing method is the LIFO, or last-in, first-out method. This works well for businesses with products that are highly durable or have a steady value over time. The LIFO method assumes that the most recently purchased items will also be the first ones sold, so it can help you accurately track the value of your inventory and ensure that you always have enough products on hand to meet demand.

The hybrid approach

If your business is looking for a flexible, cost-effective inventory costing method, you may want to consider using a FIFO/LIFO hybrid approach. This combines the benefits of both methods, allowing you to take advantage of the accuracy of FIFO and the lower costs associated with LIFO.
Ultimately, the best inventory costing method will depend on your specific needs and industry. To determine which approach is right for your business, you should consider factors such as product durability, market fluctuations, and cash flow management.

How Strategix Inventory Costing Can Help Your Business Succeed

With the inventory costing system, businesses can optimize their inventory management in several ways. It allows for better visibility into stock levels, enabling businesses to make informed decisions regarding stock replenishment and avoid stockouts or overstock situations. Accurate cost calculations help in determining the profitability of products and optimizing pricing strategies.

Microsoft Dynamics 365’s integration with other business solutions within the package provides a holistic view of inventory management. It allows seamless coordination between inventory, sales, and procurement processes, ensuring data consistency and synchronization. This integration streamlines workflows, minimizes manual errors, and improves overall operational efficiency.

Strategix inventory costing is a powerful tool that can help your business succeed by improving its operational efficiency, reducing costs, and driving revenue growth. Through advanced inventory tracking, real-time analytics, and other key features, Strategix allows businesses to optimise their inventories and stay on top of their stock levels at all times. Whether you’re looking to cut costs or increase revenue, Strategix can help you achieve your goals by providing the insight and flexibility you need to make smart decisions about your inventory.

We’re poised to integrate our pioneering inventory costing software with your world-class brand, for better business, all-round.


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