
3 Signs That You May Need to Upgrade Your ERP System

Perhaps you are familiar with the latest tech developments of your chosen ERP solution, or you are looking to improve your existing ERP infrastructure to strengthen your competitive advantage further. Should you upgrade now and why?

Here are a few common ERP upgrade checkpoints you may want to consider before making this important decision.

1  Your Business Has Drastically Shifted its Focus

Does your current ERP solution still serve its purpose years later down the line? The chances are that as your organisation grows, its main focus shifts over the years and your ERP is left behind to service the old scenario, affecting competitiveness.

An ERP upgrade is preferable and highly recommended whenever the business changes operational course, makes significant adjustments to their business procedures or undergoes a drastic leadership change.

Every couple of years or as often needed, go for a major ERP overhaul if the current solution no longer meets your business requirements and loses its competitive edge.

2 You Have Limited Access to New Technology via the Current Solution

Are you limited on accessing new technologies such as cloud, mobile or barcode data collection? It may be time to consider an upgrade and benefit from the latest available technologies.

Your ERP solution, just as most software applications on the market, has a specific lifespan at the time of implementation and periodically new updates and trends emerge to make the latest ERP systems faster, easier to use and more efficient.

If your ERP is lacking behind regarding technology adoption or it becomes difficult to integrate new solutions, consider a well overdue update.

3 You have Exceeded the Number of Users and Other Important Parameters

A clear sign that your organisation has an outdated ERP system is related to your overall business and staff growth and the variables of your existing solution. For example, can everyone access the ERP system to get an integral view of the organisation’s activities?

An ERP system is structured to organise, share and analyse massive amounts of data based on the initial setup parameters. Any significant change in the number of users accessing the system or the amount of paperwork which needs automation, will trigger the much-needed update alarm.

If your business has to constantly deal with backlogs, shortages or overages, or struggles with the forecast and monitoring function, an ERP upgrade should promptly address these growing pains.

Transform your business with an enhanced, quick to implement, flexible and user-friendly ERP solution.